Marriage Retreats

Marriage Retreats
Marriage Retreats
Marriage Retreats
Marriage Retreats
Marriage Retreats


Our UTV Marriage Retreats are a place to aid, assist, and nurture marriages. Whether yours is going strong or in need of a desperate repair, our transparent and vulnerable retreats are for YOU! We foster safe environments. We foster fun environments. We foster healing environments. We want to see your marriage healed, whole and restored.These retreats are always small so we can have special 1:1 time with each couple.  Let’s think higher and allow God to elevate us in ALL areas of our lives.

8-10 People Per Group

Each retreat will be different depending on location and theme. Either way, they will all be intimate enough to meet other new couples and enjoy also enjoy 1:1 sessions.

Love, Respect, Challenge

These retreats are designed to be tailored for you. We will work on our love. We will honor and respect our spouses and others. We will be challenged to be better, and have a more exceptional relationship with our spouses.

This atmosphere is specifically created to be a safe, trusted, and peaceful experience where you can feel comfortable to pursue your healing.

*Please note, all of our retreats and conference experiences are through our non-profit and are tax deductible.

Safe & Relaxing

Our goal is to create a safe, comfortable atmosphere for you to foster meaningful conversations that create life-long relationships. Together, we’ll all share an Airbnb style home for the duration of the retreat. We’ll enjoy meals together, relaxing conversation, games, and more.

Shared Airbnb Style Location

Specific location available upon registration.

Upset The Vows
Founders of Upset The World & Hosts

Tim & Juliette Ross

Juliette Ross is a self-motivated and self-made entrepreneur who started her own publishing company 20 years ago from her living room floor. Without using any marketing, her company grew from a thought into a full-scale publishing and marketing firm, recognized by major journalistic parenting companies that wanted to buy it. Various media outlets have highlighted her exceptionally creative concepts and ideas.

One of Juliette's greatest passions is developing new and innovative concepts. Local governments have sought her expertise for quick, turnkey solutions in city development projects. She loves identifying problems and creating effective solutions, always looking ahead to her next aspiration. These endeavors have been highly rewarding for her.

Juliette is deeply committed to her faith in Jesus Christ. She and her husband, Tim, pastored Embassy City Church in Irving, TX, for seven years, where she also hosted a weekly show called "UnPacked with Juliette Ross." Currently, she and her husband lead Upset the World, LLC, a parent company spreading the message of Jesus Christ. Juliette has created various platforms, including Mentor U! University for live mentorship, The Balm Counseling Center for faith-based therapy, Upset the Vows for marriage ministry and Whole Woman Co in which she is the found and host of retreats, conferences and more fun for the ladies.

Juliette's heart for ministry focuses on helping individuals through their faith and mental well-being. She advocates for healing through mental therapeutic care and has been a life coach and spiritual mentor for 27 years. Passionate about ministry, family, and personal hobbies like gardening and carpentry, Juliette finds joy in encouraging others to live their best lives. She travels the world with her spouse, ministering as the Lord leads, always finding time to nurture her garden, enjoy family, and challenge others to do better.

Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows
Upset The Vows

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